
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A Fresh Fiction "Aleph"

Book: Aleph
Author: Paulo Coelho
Published by: Harper Collins

Paulo seems to be the king of his kingdom: “Travel” once again. The book will take you to an amazing journey with Paulo, when he breaks the cage and sets himself free, on a journey to and through Russia. The journey proves to be an unexpected one, when he meets “Hilal”, a beautiful young girl. The book reflects and paints the girl perfectly alive in the reader’s mind. A strong yet fragile girl, who is in seek for love. He also meets “Yao”, who is old and wise, but his heart also has his weaknesses. Paulo and “Yao” share their experiences and wisdom with each other.

The story had begun with an end. When everything that Paulo had ever desired, was in his reach. He was a successful and world-renowned author.  And, he was miserable because he was not haunted anymore by any desires, there was nothing left to achieve, except his routine.

The readers might struggle to understand the true meaning of the Book’s title itself “Aleph”, as the author doesn't reveal it until the readers reach the halfway through the book.The author also writes about his rituals that take him to the past, hundreds of years ago, when he denied and abandoned love when her lover needed it the most.

Will his lover ever know that she belonged to him? And if she ever believes it, will she be able to forgive the rejection. Can love forgive the one who rejects love? Being these question asked, answered and recognized in reader’s own ways, Readers also taste a sweet and mouthwatering ending to the story.

Personally, I would rate the book as below (1 being highest and 0 being the lowest)
Philosophy- 0.5, sensual insides - 0.5, Travel/Nature- 0.5, Characterization- 0.75 and Freshness of fiction- 1. So the “Aleph” in my feelings, rate 3.25 out of 5 points. Suggestion : You may read! 

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