
Friday, March 21, 2014

Fate of Shadow Women

Samara, another poor women in cell facing imprisonment and torture without any trial shares a poem with the other shadow women ( what they called themselves) ; a poem "that had been etched on the wall by a suffering and dying women". 

“They took me away from my home
They slapped me when I cried out for my children
They imprisoned me
They accused me of crimes I had never committed
They interrogated me with their harsh accusations
They tortured me with their cruel hands
They stubbed cigarettes on my flesh
They cut out my tongue
They raped me
They cut off my breasts
I wept alone, in pain and in fear
They sentenced me to die
They staked me on the wall
I begged for mercy
They shot me between my eyes.
They dumped my body in a shallow grave
They buried me without a shroud
After my death, they discovered I was innocent.”
The Poem is an extract book 'Mayada' written by author Jean Sasson and by Bantam Books

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